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Fetal Medicine Foundation extended the licence of OSCAR test up to 29 July 2019


Dr. Marek Šois successfully passed the annual obligatory external audit and exam.


The following had to be performed for passing the exam:

  1. The results of 729 OSCAR test trials performed in Loote Ultrahelikeskus within 5 August 2017 – 27 July 2018 had to be submitted.
  2. The brief internet-based theoretical exam had to be passed.
  3. 3 control pictures on each ultrasound marker had to be submitted.


Dr. Marek Šois was certified as to all five ultrasound markers of OSCAR test:

  1. Nuchal translucency of the fetus
  2. Nasal bone of the fetus
  3. Bloodflow of ductus venosus
  4. Bloodflow of tricuspid valve
  5. Bloodflow of uterine arteries


The licence of OSCAR test and the right to use FMF risk calculation programme as to all ultrasound markers were extended up to 29 July 2019 and the name of the doctor was entered to the list of audited ultrasound specialists to the website of Fetal Medicine Foundation. 


During 2017 760 OSCAR tests were performed in Loote Ultrahelikeskus. 17 women pregnant with twins, i.e. 2.3% and 60 women pregnant by IVF, i.e. 7.9% passed the OSCAR test.


During the given time period 1 miscarriage, 5 severe fetal developmental disorders, 3 fetuses with Down syndrome, 1 fetus with Edwards syndrome and 1 fetus with triploidy were diagnosed in Loote Ultrahelikeskus. Very unique Meckel Gruber syndrome (brain herniation, extra finger, polycystic kidneys) was diagnosed, caused by compound heterozygous mutation in TXNDC 15 gene with frequency of 1:13250 - per 140 000 live births and partial tetrasomy of chromosome 22 [47, XY + IDIC (22) (q11.1-q11.21)] with the frequency of 1:50 – per 150 000 live births.


The sign of the good screening test is the high detection rate of chromosomal disease and as low rate of false positive answers as possible which would minimize the need of invasive procedures potentially endangering the life of the fetus (chorionic biopsy, amniotic fluid test).


It is internationally acceptable, if the screening test recognizes 75% of the fetuses with Down syndrome by 3% of false positive screening tests.


The OSCAR test of Loote Ultrahelikeskus complies with these requirements:

The test sensitivity has been 100% during the period of 2011-2017 when 4596 OSCAR tests were performed. This means that no fetus with Down syndrome remained undiscovered. In 2017 the number of false positive tests was 18 (2.4%).


Loote Ultrahelikeskus combines OSCAR test with Panorama test and offers Panorama test to all its patients with the risk of Down syndrome higher than 1:1000. The given method has enabled to decrease the number of false positive screening results to 0.64% and increase the positive predictive value of screening test in case of OSCAR test from regular 4% to remarkable 13.3% (1 fetus with Down syndrome per 7.0 positive screening tests).


The external audit (UK NEQAS) in Edinburgh reference lab was also successfully passed by Synlab Eesti, the cooperation partner of Loote Ultrahelikeskus which analyzes the hormones of I trimester ( PAPP-A, β-HCG, PLGF).


We ensure the feeling of security for our patients with the quality control of our work, by assuring the high quality of OSCAR test offered by Loote Ultrahelikeskus.


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