Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
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Pregnancy week by week

Selected week:


Your pregnancy is noticeable and the navel could start protruding outward. The ankles and legs could be swollen by the end of the day. During the first trimester sex was completely contraindicated for you, but now this feeling maybe changes. At the same time this might not happen yet, so do not be surprised if you still do not feel the need for sex.


Your baby

The fetus weighs about 400-450 grams and is about 23-24 centimetres tall. It is still slim, as there is not much adipose tissue, but during the next weeks it is gaining considerably weight. Eyebrows and lashes are growing. The baby still swallows amniotic fluid and pees. It is also moving actively around and sleeps at the certain times. It is usually more active at nights, just when you are going to sleep. In the course of next weeks the baby notifies of its daily regime more and more.


Dr. Marek Šois recommends

Eat healthy and think over your menu and eating habits. The recommended weekly weight gain is in average 400-500 grams. The excessive weight gain could be due to the wrong eating habits.


If you have not done it yet, now is the time for screening of fetal developmental abnormalities. It is also possible to assess the risk of preeclampsia or premature birth during the ultrasound examination if desired.


If the doubt of the congenital heart failure of the fetus or brain pathology has occurred in the course of screening of fetal developmental abnormalities in the public hospital, you might be interested in the echocardiography of the fetal heart or fetal neurosonogram. If any developmental abnormality of the fetus has been found and you wish to have a second opinion, you might be interested in our second opinion in case of fetal developmental abnormalities.


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