Pregnancy week by week
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You can feel contractions from time to time which mean that your stomach becomes hard and round for a minute or two. When pregnancy progresses, you perceive these more and clearer. The contractions of the uterus occur more often after fast walking, training or sexual intercourse, but these are not mostly painful.
Your baby
The fetus weighs approximately 550 grams. The blood vessels are visible through wrinkly skin, by giving reddish tone to the little body. The baby really likes to suck and it does it always when the finger is in mouth. The sense of cognition develops and the child differentiates tastes. Hearing becomes sharper and it can recognize your voice out of other sounds. As there is still sufficient room in the stomach for moving around, it exercises actively. The kicking of the baby can be sometimes seen even from outside.
What to do?
The consumption of liquid helps to calm the uterus down. Consult for sure with your doctor or midwife, if the contractions of uterus become more intensive, painful or blood segregates from the vagina. The good news is that by the contractions the uterus prepares for birth. The contractions of the uterus are also known as the Braxton-Hick contractions.
Now your baby perceives your voice and contact better and it is an ideal time for 3D/4D ultrasound test, so that you could become closer with your baby. These special moments can be also recorded on DVD.