Pregnancy week by week
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The pregnancy hormones make the mucous membranes fluffy and light, thus you might have nose blocking and bleeding and gingival bleeding. The same changes could also occur in the mucous membrane of the vagina and your sexuality can change a lot during pregnancy. You might not wish to be in sexual intercourse now, although this would not harm the baby in your stomach.
Your baby
An embryo is about 4 centimetres long, it has limbs, fingers and toes. The head has developed the fastest and forms about half of the total size of the fetus. The nerve connections start from the brain. Its heart has been divided into four chambers and cardiac valves are developing. The kidneys of the fetus have started to work and it is able to urinate. The face of your future child has obtained clear outlines. Its mouth, nose and nostrils are better differentiable and upper lip has developed. The main connections of joints – shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and ankle joints – function by enabling the fetus to move its limbs.
What does Dr. Marek Šois recommend?
The tips are still the same: food should be healthy, portions small, but the meals should be frequent. Do not forget that you should avoid everything that might be hazardous to your child. Before using medicines, also if you have minor fever, cold or cough, consult for sure with your midwife or doctor.
If you wish to know whether your child has no chromosomal pathology, you might be interested in our Panorama test.
Why is it essential to know the existence of chromosomal pathology?
Approximately 2-3% of the fetuses have severe chromosomal pathology which could involve intellectual disability, severe developmental abnormality or death of the child. The earlier we diagnose the chromosomal pathology, the earlier the family can decide about the continuation of pregnancy.