Mo-Fr 8.00 am - 12.00 am and 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
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Why you might consider registering with a Fetal Ultrasound Center

14 reasons why you might decide to let us monitor your pregnancy:


  • When you register with us, you will feel safe:

    • We protect your personal information and privacy carefully.
    • By offering and wisely combining different cutting-edge tests, we do our best to ensure the most accurate prenatal diagnostics and to keep the number of false-positive test results as low as possible. If the test result shows that the risk of the disease is high, but the fetus or mother is actually healthy, it causes a lot of nerve expenditure and may lead to unnecessary additional tests.
  • By registering with us, you gain a sense of confidence:

    • The gynaecologist, nurse and midwives all do their work with professional thoroughness, discovering possible abnormalities in both you and the baby already at an early stage of the baby's intrauterine development.
    • We constantly keep ourselves up to date with the development of our profession in the world. Based on this, we offer you the best possible healthcare service.
    • We work together with the best professionals in our field from other Estonian medical institutions (gynaecologists, medical geneticists, radiologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists) as well as with consultants from various university hospitals in other parts of the world.
    • Should you or your unborn baby develop a medical problem that requires your hospitalization, we will send you to a stage III treatment facility at the right time for further examination and treatment.
    • We collaborate with the best private laboratory in Estonia, Synlab, and genetics laboratories Natera in the USA and Eurofins Genoma in Rome.
    • We cooperate with the Department of Laboratory Genetics of the University of Tartu for chorionic biopsy and amniotic fluid genetic studies.
  • With us, you will feel comfortable:

    • It is easy to come to us - we are located in Tammsaare Business Center in Tallinn, at the intersection of major motorways.
    • There is a large parking lot in front of the building, where you can park for free for 2 hours.
    • The Fetal Ultrasound Center is small and lovely. No more than two families usually wait for their visit in the waiting room.
    • The midwife's office and the ultrasound room are furnished in a way that could make both you and your support person feel comfortable.
  • Throughout your pregnancy, you will be supported by steady midwives:

    • We offer one certain midwife to support you throughout your pregnancy.
    • Our midwives are aware of the course of your pregnancy and you can always contact them on working days in case of problems.
  • You can always count on the support of the gynecologist:

    • We have very close cooperation between midwives and the gynaecologist. In case of problems and abnormalities that the midwife cannot solve on her own, she can quickly get help from the gynaecologist working in the next-door room.
    • The same gynaecologist also performs all the ultrasound examinations during your pregnancy and, thanks to this, is aware of the course of your pregnancy and possible problems.
  • The child's father or the support person can participate in your visits:

    • We allow your child's father or a support person to attend the appointments with your midwife and gynaecologist.
  • At the Fetal Ultrasound Center, the risk of being infected with the respirator infectious diseases is lower:

    • Due to the relatively small number of patients visiting our small-scale Fetal Ultrasound Center during the day, and the fact that we comply 100% with all the prescriptions of the Health Board in the battle against infectious diseases, the theoretical possibility that you will get infectious diseases during your appointment in the Fetal Ultrasound Center is very low.
  • The ultrasound examinations are 10% cheaper for you:

    • After registration for pregnancy, all ultrasound examinations (including 3D ultrasound examinations) are 10% cheaper for you than shown on the price list.
  • With us you are always welcome and cared for:

    • We offer you and your support person the best possible customer service.
    • Your waiting time for a midwife and gynecologist appointment is as short as possible.
    • The midwife has up to 60 minutes for you during the visit.
    • We offer you comprehensive support and assistance in case of problems during pregnancy.
  • With us, you can get vaccinated against various infectious diseases during pregnancy:


    • We recommend that you vaccinate yourself against the flu because if you have the flu during pregnancy, you have a higher risk of developing severe and life-threatening pneumonia. You can get the vaccine during the appointment with your midwife.

    • In addition, you can get yourself vaccinated against whooping cough, as this is the only way to protect your future child from this potentially life-threatening disease.


  • With us, you save your time:

    • During one visit, we can plan consecutive appointments with the gynaecologist and midwife.
    • You will receive the answer to the urine test brought along with you to the midwife's appointment during the same visit.
    • If necessary, you can also have a blood test during the midwife's appointment.


Read more:

Pregnancy monitoring


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